Friday, January 2, 2009

Goodbye 2008

Happy New Year Everyone!!!

The Christmas decorations are coming down. The lights are being turned off. It is time to meet 2009. I have never really made new years resolutions before. I say I'll try to be healthier, exercise, eat well, etc. but I never make it an actual resolution. I started this blog as somewhat of a resolutions. I wanted to develop my photography skills and thought that posting a photo a day would help. I just ended up being disappointed in myself for not following through with the name of my blog and actually posting a photo a day. This year I decided to make resolutions that I need and want to keep.

~ Change the name of this blog to reflect myself and not an unrealistic goal (this will happen when I get a chance to sit down and change my banner for the new year).

~Organize my photos. They are not too bad right now. I have them in folders by month, but I need to go in and delete all of the blurry/bad/duplicate photos to make more room for the new year. I also want to putt all of my pictures onto dvds as a backup.

~Print some of my photos to display around the house instead of hiding them on a computer where no one can see them. It would also be nice to make a blurb book of my favorites.

~Finally, I would like to do more good. Whether donating my photography skills to a good cause (like taking pictures of shelter animals for online adoption pages), or just getting out there and being involved in my community, I need to do more than sit on my fat behind watching TV. Since I started grad school I haven't really done anything good for others, and I want that to change.

What are your new years resolutions? Do you plan on keeping them? I challenge you to make at least one resolution that you want to keep, that you plan to keep, and that you can keep. Have a happy new year!


Double D said...

I already broke my resolution. Dom bought me a deep fryer for Christmas. I used it. I was going to try to lose some poundage this year. Oh well. The year is not over yet! And I also got a Wii Fit. So maybe I will cancel out my deep frying with some Wii Fit. Ya'll have a Wii yet? Thanks for keeping up with your blog. Wait till you have kids, you wont even have the time for a shower let alone an email :) I miss ya.

Double D said...

Hey, you have Animal Crossing : City Folk for Wii?