Monday, November 30, 2009

Sneak Peak: Senior Pictures

Isn't my cousin-in-law good looking? He looks a little like Val Kilmer. He was nice enough to humor me and be my model for an afternoon while I continue to practice my portrait photography. He gets free pictures and I get to plaster his image on my blog.

He was a really good sport, and a really good model. I didn't even have to tell him what to do, he was a natural in front of the camera.

I need feedback so tell me what you like and what you don't like. Should the pictures be lightened up a bit, are they too dark, too bright, too dull, bad composition? Thank you for your feedback.

P.S. Thanks to my husband for being the creator of shade with his coat and his body. I love my assistant :)


Burgh Baby said...

I can't give you any feedback on the editing since I am Queen of SOOC-land. I always prefer photos just as they were shot (which I know is ridiculous).

Composition looks great in the first two, but for me, something is not quite right in the third one. Maybe crop it so the focus is more on his eyes and less on his neck?

Ashley Wick said...

I think you should move him to Chicago!

Other than that I really like the pictures and think they look really nice.
