Thursday, April 24, 2008

Spring Cleaning

It is time for a change. When I was a kid you could expect my room to look different every time you walked into it. Not just because there was a different pile of clothes on the floor, or new paper sprawled across the room. No, I had to move my furniture around every couple of months. My bed was always looking for a new and better wall to be on, and I had to find a better layout to make the room look bigger. It just felt so refreshing to try something new.

So, If you see a change in my blog once a month, don't be surprised. This month is a spring theme because I am so very happy that it is finally spring.

The font for my title can be found at Fonts for Kids. Thank you to Burg Baby for her help with the colors.


Burgh Baby said...

No problem :-) It's a piece of cake once you know what to look for.

LOVE the Spring flowers. Great choice!

I'm itching to change mine, but I told myself I was going with a Pens header until they are out of the playoffs. Hopefully I'll be "stuck" for a while.

jayna said...

Great new look!

I'm the same way about moving things around, usually monthly. Shoot, we've only been here three weeks and I already had Mike help me move our room and the baby's room around when he got home from work today :-)