Tuesday, December 9, 2008

ABC Wednesday: U


Under: I saw these cute, vibrant berries growing under a branch while walking by Beck Lake this fall. Their bright color caught my attention and begged to be photographed.

For more ABC Wednesday head on over here.


Richard Lawry said...

looks very festive

An Arkie's Musings

Rinkly Rimes said...

Turning themselves into a necklace before our eyes!

Jane Hards Photography said...

Absolutely gorgeous

Leslie: said...

What a cool shot! Do you know what kind of berries they are? Mine's up now, too!

nonizamboni said...

How unusual and what a nice choice for today. Your photography is very impressive--thanks for sharing!

Bear Naked said...

Unusual and unique underneath photo.

Bear((( )))

photowannabe said...

Hanging uner was a good find. They look like a necklace of gold beads.

Reader Wil said...

Very Christmaslike!

Liz Hinds said...

They are vibrant and beautiful.

abb said...

Just a bit more red and it'd look like a Christmas picture!