Thursday, October 28, 2010

Puppy Fix

I haven't posted pictures of Leia in a very long time. Actually, I haven't posted pictures of any of our animals lately. So, over the next couple of days I will be forcing you to look at baby pictures. Well, my version of baby pictures.

Leia is as lazy as ever. Actually, she is sleeping under a blanket right next to me. Her favorite thing to do is curl up under a blanket close to someone. That sounds like my favorite thing to do as well. Like mother like daughter.

I can rarely get a picture of her in a position other than sleeping or laying down. It is funny actually, I'm pretty sure she hates having her picture taken. Whenever I get out the camera she mysteriously relocates to a different room. When the camera is in her face she refuses to make eye contact. Like father like daughter.

We couldn't have picked a better dog for us.

1 comment:

Country Girl said...

She's beautiful, your Leia. My cat does this with the camera. My dog, on the other hand, is a huge ham. And more popular than I am on my blog (which really isn't saying all that much . . .)